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If you have experienced low water pressure in your home before you likely understand how frustrating it can be when you go to take a shower or wash the dishes and only a few drops of water come out. Ever wonder what causes low water pressure in a home? There are multiple reasons, but usually, the solution is simple.

Debris and Mineral Buildup in Pipes

Debris such as sand, dirt, and pollutants may enter your home’s pipes when a water main fractures. But even without a fractured line, mineral buildup is unavoidable over time. You can try using a natural plumbing cleaner that can help break down and flush out debris from pipes to solve this.

Peak Periods

Sometimes, the fix to low water pressure is as simple as a schedule change when it comes to using water in your home. You may not realize it, but you may be operating on the same schedule as your neighbors when showering in the morning or watering the lawn in the afternoon. If this is the case, simply consider changing your schedule.

Plumbing Leaks

Any damage to the pipe that results in a leak can result in lower water pressure. To determine whether you have a leak, read the meter. Shut off all water taps inside and outside of your home. Record the meter after shutting off the water taps, then come back a few hours later and recheck it. If your water usage has increased, chances are you have a leak and need to contact a plumber.

Municipal Water Supply Malfunctions

Just like your own piping system, your community’s municipal water supply is prone to malfunctioning. Call your local company to find out if there is an issue and whether or not they can fix the problem quickly.

By monitoring water usage schedules and checking the valves, you can quickly identify and eliminate the problem on your own. However, if the issue includes pipe erosion, blockage, or leaks, it is best to consult a professional.

Are you looking to upgrade your home? Have Questions? Call HEP Inc. at (865) 234-0501 and get started today! HEP Is On The Way!