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Air Filtration

Filter Your Home’s Air

Americans usually spend most of their time indoors. Additionally, indoor pollution levels tend to be higher than outdoor levels. Despite the air quality in your home seeming safe, it might be contributing to potential health risks.
Although it depends on the quality and material, most air filters remove various airborne particles, such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Confusion
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sinus problems
  • Skin, throat, eyes, and nose irritation
  • Cough and congestion


Today, homeowners face unprecedented levels of poor ventilation as their existing system repeatedly recirculates the same particles and pollutants throughout the home. However, when you install a high-quality air filter, these particles become trapped within its material and are removed from the air. This removal process improves air quality and disperses clean air throughout your home and improving the overall health of your family and pets.

Although it depends on the quality, type, and material, most air filters remove various airborne particles, such as:

  • Pollen
  • Dust
  • Pet Dander
  • Dirt
  • Allergens
  • Mold


  • Electrostatic filtration systems ionize the air and pull particles out while passing through the system. Unlike mechanical filters, this process can filter small particle pollutants like gas, smoke, or fumes.
  • Mechanical filtration systems feature holes that are big enough for air to pass through while still blocking particles. These are highly effective for collecting most allergens and pollutants.


Give us a call, and we’ll schedule an inspection. During the service, our technicians will review your current setup and determine the best filtration for your home. HEP can professionally install the chosen system into your HVAC unit.

To learn more or schedule a filtration system installation, visit our online scheduler or click here to call now.