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Deciding Which Plants to Put In Your Bathroom

Plants are great for livening up a space and improving indoor air quality. But before you place any plants in your bathroom, make sure you know which ones can survive in high-humidity. Here is a list of the best plants to use in your bathroom.  Bamboo –...

Common Air Duct Problems

One of the most frustrating things to encounter is a problem with your air duct. Known as the veins that pump cold air and heat throughout your home, it’s possible that one day they could begin to fizzle out and come to a screeching halt. If you’re not sure what to...

Houseplants That Help Prevent Allergies

Allergy sufferers rejoice! If you suffer from allergies you know that means itchy eyes, coughing and sneezing. But this year you don’t have to succumb to the symptoms. Find out how you can fight back by placing a few houseplants around your home. Peace Lily: it’ll add...

Your Home’s Air Quality – What You Should Know

Air quality isn’t something that most people actively think about, and it’s not always obvious that the air you’re breathing is poor quality. Because we may not immediately notice poor air quality in our homes or offices, we could all be breathing in...