How Frequently Should I Change My Furnace Filter?
Fall has finally arrived, and with that, we are inching closer to snowy days and colder nights. With the sudden drop in temperature, it is common for people to bump up the thermostat to warm up. However, before the cold weather arrives, it’s critical to take some precautions to ensure that your winter season is spent warm and cozy in your home and not bundling up waiting for the repairman.
First, be aware that dirty filters can cause damage to your furnace by requiring it to work even harder. When there is build-up, pet hair or dander, rust particles, or other things of this nature, furnaces stop working at optimum efficiency. When this begins to occur, the unit becomes overtaxed, which can cause damage to the device as well as reduce the air quality within the space.
The best method for determining how often to change out your filters is by first inspecting the filter type. If you’ve found that your filter is a single-ply or one layer thick, we recommend that you change it out monthly. These thin filters are reliable and low cost, but they only block out bigger particles that come through. Smaller, sometimes toxic, particles can still make it through and reduce the air quality.
Routinely checking your filter is something you should do on a monthly, or at the most, a bi-monthly basis. Also, take into consideration the amount of wear and tear your furnace has to withstand to keep your house warm. Having kids, animals, or cluttered home can all require more frequent filter changes.
Should I Have My Furnace Inspected Every Year?
A professional will advise that your furnace be inspected each year to prevent any possible future issues. These inspections help the unit run more efficiently and make sure that all the components are working correctly. A furnace inspection includes, but is not limited to, the following.
- Thermostat accuracy
- Connectivity within the wiring
- Lubrication of all internal parts
- Airflow regulation
- Cleaning of the device
Once inspected and running correctly, you will notice a considerable increase in air quality. These annual inspections can increase the air quality of your home and air output from the ducts.
Are you looking to upgrade your home? Call HEP Inc. at (865) 234-0501 and get started today! HEP Is On The Way!