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It’s almost Halloween! As you get ready to dress up, watch scary movies, and participate in all the fun fall activities, there is one Halloween tradition you will want to be careful with. When carving pumpkins this year, keep pumpkin pulp and seeds away from your garbage disposal.

Spooky Season is Here! Jack-O-Lanterns are SO FUN!

How can you prevent Halloween plumbing problems and still have a festive jack-o-lantern?

1. You can make cleanup simple by laying down some newspaper before you begin carving! When you’re finished, wrap it all up and throw it in the trash. An easy way to avoid a big mess. 

2. Move your pumpkin carving station outside! What’s better than the crisp fall air and carving pumpkins with your friends and family outside?

3. Pumpkin seed makes a great snack! What a perfect way to reduce waste at home, keep seeds out of your garbage disposal, and snack on a tasty fall treat!

If you run into any plumbing nightmares this Halloween season, give HEP Inc. a call at (865) 234-0501! HEP Is On The Way!