Tired of spending significant portions of your paycheck on your utility bills? You can hire an energy company to come to your house and perform an audit, or you can do it yourself and save. See below to find out how you can spot and stop the causes of high energy bills at your home.
Fireplace Leaks
Winter will be here before we know it, and it will be time to start making cozy fires. But the fireplace can allow 10 to 20% of warm air from inside your home to escape because of a broken or damaged damper. You can test it by lighting a candle and holding it inside the firebox. If the flame blows around, you have air flowing up the chimney.
Stopping The Draft
You may not even realize that air from outside is entering your home, and you’re losing heat and air conditioning through leaky window frames. On the next windy day, close all of your windows and exterior doors and light a stick of incense. Walk around the house with it holding it up to your windows, and if the smoke blows around, it means you have drafty windows.
Unplug Electronics
Even though some of your electronic devices like the coffee maker or toaster oven have “standby” modes, they are still consuming electricity if they are plugged in. Your best bet is to keep them unplugged when they are not in use to cut back on consumption.
Are you looking to upgrade your home? Have Questions? Call HEP Inc. at (865) 234-0501 and get started today! HEP Is On The Way!